Friday, August 8, 2014

Color, Cut, and Glue Wh- question Packet

Hi Speechies!

This awesome preschool or kindergarten file is great to target simple Wh- questions. Your students can see the choices to assist them with giving an appropriate response. It can be used as a great homework/ carryover activity as well (as minimal resources are required).

It includes 6 pages of who, what, and where questions (two worksheets per question).

Directions read:
Have someone read the questions to you.
Find the picture that best fits the question. Color, cut, and glue the pictures in the correct spot.

Examples of worksheets:

                                                                     Where questions.

                                                                    What questions.

                                                                  Who Questions.

I hope this file is helpful :)

The biggest plus of this file (besides being fun and incorporating fine motor skills) is that it is all to be printed in BLACK INK (ink saver).

You can find these worksheets in my TPT store:

Marissa Moody
The 'Peech Teacher

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Printable Articulation Booklets!!!

Say yes to these booklets!

Very Low Prep! What SLP doesn't love print and go's? I know I do!

All your students have to do is cut around the border, color, and fold. These booklets are printable in BLACK INK! Yay for cost savers!

54 pages inclusive of 18 Sound Booklets for the initial, medial, and final positions for the following sounds:
P, B, M, N, D, T, F, V, K, G, S, Z, SH, CH, TH,“J”,L, and R.

Have fun with these foldable booklets for your students!
Just print in BLACK INK, have your students color as they practice their sounds in whatever position, and fold the booklets. All selected sounds are between 1 and 3 syllable words.

{1. Begin with folding in half (hot dog wise) on the dotted lines.
2, While keeping the current fold the remaining pictures on the dotted lines in any direction you want.}

These are great for your kids to take home for extra practice and a great resource for SLPs to add to their files.
You can find these booklets at my store:

Have a wonderful rest of the summer!

The 'Peech Teacher

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

FREE Cariboo /l/ and /l/ blends Kit


Doesn't Cranium make the best games? I think so too!

Well, as much as my kids love to play Cranium Cariboo, I wanted to switch things up for my articulation kids to make for extra practice of their sounds. I have created cards which fit perfectly on top of the doors. These cards are for /l/ sounds in the initial, medial, and final positions. I also have /l/ blends in the initial and final positions. :)

In this download you will find over 20 picture cards per position (Cariboo has only 15 slots) to choose from,  BONUS sample phrases and sentences, and backer sheets if you like to organize the cards.

Sorry if the picture is a little blurry... I'm trying :)


I like to keep the cards in a zip loc baggie separated by context (initial/medial/final /blends positions). A plastic jewelry baggie/ button bag will also fit them perfectly!

Make sure you laminate them for durability! Have fun!



You can find this FREEBIE at my TPT store:

Make sure that you check out the WH- Questions Cariboo activity at:

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

All about /s/ blends Kit!


You can use this kit for /s/ blends all year round if you wanted to! Included in this 50 page kit are worksheets, activities, therapy techniques to help elicit the  /s/ cluster sound,and much more!

Contents included (page by page):
Pages 3-8: 12 sets of minimal pairs
Pages 9-.15: 6 pages of /s/ blend pacing boards: SP, SN, ST, SK, SL, and SW
Pages 16- 18: 3 pages of Drill color sheets
Page 19: Drill phrases worksheet
Pages 20- 39: Theme / Season/ Holiday activities
Pages 40- 47 BINGO/ BLEND boards plus call outs
Pages 48-49: Organization sheets (in case you want to print/ laminate and store the contents in a folder)
Page 50: Credits

 You can find this kit at my TPT store at:


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

All About Apples Board Games!

I love to use the Apples theme towards the beginning of the school year. To make it easier on myself, I have created three (3) open ended games to use for all of my sessions. They can be used for articulation, language, fluency, etc. After practicing targeted speech sounds, language concepts, or while using slow and effortless speech, your student can add Bingo chips/ dauber, apples from the grab bag, or maneuver throughout the board game.

Game boards included:

1. Open Ended Board Game:
Be the first person to reach the bushel of apples!

2. Bingo Dauber/ Magnetic Chip Game :
Place your Bingo or Magnetic Chips on top of each apple once you practice your speech sounds/ language concepts!

 3. Apple Tree Grab Bag Game:
Beware of the Bad apples. The person with the most good apples on the tree is the winner!

You can find these games at my TPT site:



Apple Idioms!

One bad apple really does spoil a bunch! No worries, downloading this document will be as easy as pie. (wink wink)

In this file for Apple related Idioms, you can find picture cards, a Ladder Game, and a bonus worksheet to use as a carryover activity.

You can purchase this file from my TPT here:



Friday, April 19, 2013

Mrs. Moody, What's that?

What does that word mean? This is a common question made by my 4th and 5th graders. Every now and then I'll use a big word around them just to see if they are listening. Sometimes they will ask for me to tell them what it means.


Earth Day is coming up and I have created a context clues activity with related vocabulary. Once you print, laminate, and cut cards out, you can use them to match the vocabulary word with the appropriate definition. It has a bonus worksheet that can be used as a carryover with the same twelve (12) words presented earlier. The students can write their own sentence and later color the picture at the bottom of the page.

You can find the FREEBIE at my TPT store:

Thanks and look for more to come,
